electronic waiter caller device

electronic waiter caller device
informed waiter that order is ready to be taken to table

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cotton Candy flavored Sundae

I had gotten one of those meal deals where afterwards you had gotten a free happy ending sundae. I decided to be creative and wanted the great tase of summer on a sundae. I asked the waitress if she had a cotton candy flavored sundae. Well, the closest she had was a cotton candy flavored syrup topping that is put onto sundaes for younger kids. Ok, I thought that I would give it a try, with soft server vanilla ice cream. I remember a mother with her 3 kids sitting in a table in front of me, and the mother had overheard my order and then asked me "Isn't that exciting?" So I got my cotton candy flavored sundae, and tried it. It was good and kind of like a creamy cotton candy, but a taste of summer for me.